Her First Birthday Party

April 03, 2017  •  2 Comments





Now I'm sure you're probably wondering, "Wait! Where's the cute toddler celebrating her first birthday"? Well, this is a very different "First" birthday party!

This Sweet Sixteen year old celebrated her very first birthday party ever this weekend! Having never had a birthday party or  cake in the Ukrainian orphanage where she grew up, this was a special occasion that simply had to be celebrated!

This past year she and her brother were adopted by their American adoptive parents and became US Citizens just last month. Along with many firsts, having a birthday party was high on the list of things she wished she could have enjoyed as a child. And her birthday cake from Sweet 'N Heavenly was of special significance as it was her favorite color, purple, and adorned with edible paper butterflies, the symbol of her freedom, transformation and beauty. The look on her face the first time she saw her birthday cake was magical! 

Watching her open gifts and read each and every word of the hand written notes  given to her by her friends and family was really special to watch. They clearly meant the world to her and she couldn't have felt more loved, wanted and blessed to know God has had His hand upon her and has great plans for her life going forward! The things we all seem to take for granted were, for her, something that brought such joy and delight! 

I felt honored to be able to play a role in documenting for this sweet sixteen year old the special day where she was celebrated and loved upon! Enjoy this clip of the entire day's events! 









Sarah bowman(non-registered)
Absolutely beautiful!
LaNell Stovall(non-registered)
Thanks so much, Koryn, for the great video from Tanya's birthday party. So sweet! What a good friend you are to the Stovalls. --LaNell (Jesse's mom)
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